Colorful Garden Pathway - Trail In Santa Monica Mountains

by Joel Bruce Wallach
Colorful Garden Pathway - Trail In Santa Monica Mountains
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
Joel created this vibrantly mystical vision in his signature neo-impressionist style, to express the sparkling magical energies of the natural world. The swirling textures and radiantly dreamy colors remind us of the passionate inspiring emotions that live within our hearts and souls.
This serenely beautiful hiking trail winds through Mulholland Gateway Park, in the Santa Monica Mountains of Los Angeles, California, where we rediscover our connection with nature, and with the living presence of our planet Earth.
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March 14th, 2015
Comments (69)

Julia Underwood
I have a real soft spot for pathways and your work is delightful, I just love the effects you create, fabulous L/F

VIVA Anderson
Idyllic visual poetry.....fv...VIVA
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, VIVA; nature's rhythms and patterns do seem to have poetic qualities.

Al Brown
This is a beautiful and colorful scene Joel, has an air of mystery about it, makes one wonder whats around the bend of the road, nice work!!
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Al; I'm wondering what's around the bend in the road, myself!