Flowing River Vision

by Joel Bruce Wallach
Flowing River Vision
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
In Boulder County, we follow the St. Vrain river's winding pathway that meanders through Longmont, Colorado. These flowing serpentine waters awaken our curious minds, for as we explore the primal world of earth and water, we discover the transforming resonance that brings us back to our essential selves.
Joel created this vibrant shimmering vision in his signature neo-impressionist style, to express the rejuvenating power of nature's healing energy vibrations.
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July 9th, 2017
Comments (29)

Genevieve Esson
Congratulations!!! Your beautiful artwork has been featured in the group: Lyrical Trees - Vibrant Wavelength Of Color!

Deb Breton
Okay, I just can't stop looking at your work. The colors in this one take my breath away...

Lyric Lucas
Congratulations, your creative and unique art work is Featured in the "Out Of The Ordinary 1 A Day" group! 7/18/17

Catalina Walker
Stunning beauty, most fabulous style to this masterful piece…Incredibly done, Joel! l/f/tw

Randy Burns
Into a world of light and prisms of pure color, rich and alive is my first impression of this magical scene Joel. Wonderful continuation of your artistic style.

Susan Brown Slizys art signature name
Hi ,Joel, I have viewed your two newest art works ,a few times and wrote a lenghy comment then press the wrong button and lost it al. Too much vacation. ;-(( Any way these are really abstract in comparison to your other work. They feel like they should be side by side . This one is like an inner reflection and the other an outer explosion of energy. I love them equally .FAV