Mountain Sunrise Perceptions

by Joel Bruce Wallach
Mountain Sunrise Perceptions
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
Sunrise's softly glowing light shines across Southern California's Santa Monica Mountain peaks. From our vista atop a lush meadow, this majestic mountain splendor opens our hearts, and perceptions of joyous serenity flow with ease.
Joel's inspired panorama of dawn's sparkling skies, streaming clouds, and gorgeous mountains, expressed in his signature neo-impressionist style with the radiance reminiscent of stained glass, offers us the vibrant beauty of nature's healing potential that ever inspires and delights us.
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January 14th, 2018
Comments (29)

Kellice Swaggerty
Amazing artwork, Joel! I particularly like the way you were able to convey the bright haze over the mountains in the distance! L/F