Opening To Stillness
by Joel Bruce Wallach
Opening To Stillness
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
The soothing elements of our planet earth unite in a harmonious symphony of beauty and tranquility. It is an invitation that draws our awareness into the feeling of deep stillness, for this is a gracious opening where we can discover our unity with the universe.
In Boulder County, at Golden Ponds Park in Longmont, Colorado, we view Long's Peak, part of the Front Range Mountains, and we find the inner peace we seek.
Joel created this sparkling serene work in his signature neo-impressionist style, to express the healing power of nature that brings us back to our quiet center.
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March 7th, 2017
Comments (24)
Helen Duley
Really love the colors, life and stillness of this river side art work. Truly is both stillness and movement, Lyricism and stillness here within this contsantly changing, yet ever present river bank. Congratulations on your sale
Rosalie Scanlon
Congratulations, your excellent work has been featured on the Home Page of the Book Covers Group. If you add your image to the features discussion, you will have a permanent record of your work, which is a great place for possible buyers to look for book cover images. Discussion Link: Liked and tweeted
Genevieve Esson
Congratulations!!! Your beautiful artwork has been featured in the group: Lyrical Trees - Vibrant Wavelength Of Color!
Chrisann Ellis
Joel, Beautiful work!!... Your Work has been Featured On The Home Page of Weekly Fun For All Mediums...Congrats!!!
Maria Hunt
Another work that instills peace, Joel. Congratulations on your feature in Imagination-Artistry Group Bravo!! F/L
Beverly Elliott
soooooo nice!!!!!! my hub asked if there's any trout in that
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Beverly; trout there may be, but there are rules about fishing in many of the local ponds.
Catalina Walker
A phenomenal artistry...So striking, most fascinating and so beautiful, Joel! love lt.....l/fv
Michael Mirijan
This wonderful picture is featured on the homepage of the "Surreal Perspectives" group.
Michael Mirijan
This wonderful picture is featured on the homepage of the "Pictures for Present" group.