River Flow Dream

by Joel Bruce Wallach
River Flow Dream
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
The river's compelling magnetism draws us forward to experience its ancient rhythms. We yearn to awaken from the superficial dream of daily life. As if in response, the waters seek to enlighten us with the teachings of nature's timeless wisdom.
Joel presents the natural world's softly mesmerizing presence in his signature neo-impressionist style, with the sparkle reminiscent of stained glass, to reveal streaming waters flowing alongside the pine filled Ceran St. Vrain trail in Jamestown, Colorado.
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November 2nd, 2019
Comments (26)

Anne Gifford
I have spent a lot of time sitting near rivers and streams this summer, Joel, and the soft, reflective special place in the forest you have created here speak volumes to me. It is beautiful. Wishing you peace, blessings, and wellness. like/f

ABeautifulSky Photography by Bill Caldwell
Beautiful as always Joel, love the colors and energy! l/f

Jolanta Anna Karolska
I like the fluidity and mystery in this work, Joel...it floats..it is a dream...a Deja Vu moment :) bravo! f.l.

Genevieve Esson
Congratulations!!! Your beautiful artwork has been featured on the Homepage of the group: Lyrical Trees - Vibrant Wavelength Of Color!

Robyn King
Congratulations your beautiful work is being featured in An Image Inspiring Meditation:-)