Spring River Rambling

by Joel Bruce Wallach
Spring River Rambling
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
In Boulder County, we're rambling along the St. Vrain River's winding path through Longmont, Colorado. As the sunlight filters through tree branches to highlight emerging springtime greenery, we find ourselves enchanted with the river's shimmering reflections, and we breathe in fresh timeless feelings of tranquility.
Joel created this serenely radiant vision of nature's healing presence in his signature neo-impressionist style, to express the magical springtime moments when everything comes to life and grants us a feeling of inspired renewal.
If you like this image, please use any of the buttons (i.e. FB, Twitter, and Google+) to share with your friends and family!
April 26th, 2017
Comments (27)

Genevieve Esson
Congratulations!!! Your beautiful artwork has been featured in the group: Lyrical Trees - Vibrant Wavelength Of Color!

Congratulations Joel for the feature of this image on the "Semi Abstract" group homepage! f/l

Joyce Dickens
Joel, I sincerely do not think that you have created anything that I have not LOVED, and I am in AWE at the beauty in this piece! I love the wonderful soothing composition and the awesome reflections and Light; your style is such a refreshing delight m friend!!! :-)