Stones In Snow - Diptych

by Joel Bruce Wallach
Stones In Snow - Diptych
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
When we shift our attention from the busyness of this world, and let ourselves look upon the humble ground, our planet's gentle magnificence powerfully enchants and heals us.
In Boulder County, after a brief Colorado winter snow, the snowflakes are spontaneously arranged around these field stones in beautiful patterns, and mixed together with pine needles, to create visions of wild beauty that only nature's deep wisdom can provide.
Joel created this vibrantly sparkling diptych of winter's sparkling charm in his signature neo-impressionist style, to bring the inspiring subtleties of nature to our awareness.
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March 5th, 2017
Comments (28)

VIVA Anderson
I'm so enamoured of stones, Joel, and absolutely love this diptych, the presentation, the wonderful focus on the earth story and stones as our memory...........Kudos, fv..................VIVA

Chrisann Ellis
Joel, Your Outstanding Work has been Featured On The Home Page of Weekly Fun For All Mediums...Congrats!!!

Lois Bryan
So unique as always, Joel!!!
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Very much appreciated, Lois; you are the creator of an amazingly unique aesthetic.

Randol Burns
This 'little world of it's own' is magic. I read your description Joel. You are right 'when we focus our attention...' Your connection with nature draws me into your artistry. F/L
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Randol, for exploring the world of perceptions and realities.

Carole Sluski
First glance I didn't recognize your work. A unique close-up looks like an abstract. Love it!

Khalid Saeed
Gorgeous work, very delicate and perfect art.
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you for noting the subtle delicate presence of these stones, Khalid.