Timeless Pond

by Joel Bruce Wallach
Timeless Pond
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
In Boulder County, a sense of timeless peace percolates through our hearts and minds, as we let ourselves become mesmerized by the reflections on a quiet lake in Longmont, Colorado. The gentle stillness pleases our ears, the colorful trees and flowers delight our eyes, and our soul begins to feel at one with the planet.
This vibrantly radiant pond is an expression of Joel's signature neo-impressionist style, to reveal the healing energies of earth, water, plants, and sky.
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January 29th, 2017
Comments (37)

Mona Edulesco
Wonderful work, Joel! Just love the color combination and the energy of this landscape! LF

Madina Kanunova
Love all your works!!! the unique combination of colors, interesting technique...all works are so impressive, vivid and magnetic! l/f

Catherine Twomey
I love your work, Joel! Finally took a moment to see it, and so glad I did. This reflection series is stunning!

Kimberlee Baxter
Another delightful work depicting nature's tapestry, Joel! Love the native grasses blowing in the wind next to the water, while the trees seem to be in sync with them, too! Great piece to enjoy being at One with nature! Fave! L/F/FB/P!
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you for this insightful perception about the synchronization of nature's elements, Kimberlee.

Debra Lynch
Hi Joel, your work always blows my mind, it is so amazingly beautiful.. I love this one. L/F
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Debra; nature has a magical way of expanding our consciousness.

Anthony Mwangi
Brilliant work of art! Great art picks up where nature ends!
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you for this insightful phrase, Anthony, about art extending nature's perimeter.

Nancy Kane Chapman
I can feel the rustle of Van Gogh in these beautiful trees and grasses. I'm just amazed at the flow of the lines, the richness of your colors. L/F+++ Bravo Joel.
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Nancy; one can imagine Van Gogh finally getting some serenity amid the intensity of his life.

Joyce Dickens
I love this beautiful composition Joel and your magic touch just really brings it to life...gorgeous artwork my friend!

Anita Zotkina
It looks like an ideal place, that one left a long time ago and where one yearning to return!
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Anita; I like to drive by this road periodically to re-experience the view.