Welcoming Goats

by Joel Bruce Wallach
Welcoming Goats
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
In Boulder County, the goats have wandered to a quiet country lane at the edge of their farm in Longmont, Colorado. Goats are naturally friendly and inquisitive, so they appear to us as the welcoming committee, gently reminding us that we might enjoy our stroll along this rustic pathway in lighthearted and serene stillness.
Joel created this sparkling rural scene in his signature neo-impressionist style, to express the magical energy of a walk in the countryside.
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May 19th, 2016
Comments (47)

Kathy Braud
Joel, a great impressionist.photo painting.... and I wondered if the goats liked sort of hiding in the tall grasses. L/f

love this series and this one in particular,,,,,,,,,,,ya gotta love those goats............your images are very eye catching...........cool.

ARTography by Pamela Smale Williams
Delightful photopainting Joel! The piece, even without the goats, which are so well done, is magical. Beautiful neo-impressionist. V/twt/ Pamela

Cheryl Rose
Absolutely delightful, friendly goats, Joel in this beautiful pathway. This image no doubt has an adventure story with these goats! Love it! l/f/p
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Cheryl; the goats invite us to discover a new story as we move along our own path!

Sarah Rachel
Enchanting and utterly delightful.....get a feel of symbolism here too but maybe that's my mind wandering! Fantastic work :-)
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you for wandering through the scene Sarah; the two goats may symbolize the right and left brain, or perhaps the yin and yang elements welcoming the self into a deeper inner inquiry!

Michell Rosenthal
I adore this image! These sweet goats are very welcoming indeed. Great work, Joel : ))!!