When Donkeys Speak

by Joel Bruce Wallach
When Donkeys Speak
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
In Boulder County, two donkeys in a brilliant yellow dandelion field are sharing their thoughts about this and that. At their tranquil farm in Longmont, Colorado, they are enjoying a sunny day and indulging in friendly gossip, amid nibbles on the succulent grasses and flowers they enjoy.
Joel created this sparkling rural scene in his signature neo-impressionist style, to express the deep intuitive kinship shared by animals when they are together in a natural environment.
Although we as humans speak with one another, donkeys seem to have a deeper instinctive knowing that lets them communicate on a subtle level. Perhaps they are showing us how we might listen with kind attention to our own intuitive inner voice.
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May 28th, 2016
Comments (43)

Harriet Peck Taylor
The lively direction of your line work adds so much to all your digital art Joel and it is so unique!

Kathi Mirto
Your work is so unique Joel, I love how the donkeys are fluffy like the flowers! So sweet! FL

Daniel Arrhakis
Congratulations dear friend ! Your Wonderful Art was featured in our Mystic And Art Group ! : )

Bunny Clarke
Beautiful work Joel. I love how you got the texture of the wooly coats of the donkeys. I used to live in Golden for many years.
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Bunny; Golden is beautiful, though I don't know if donkeys would appreciate the snowy mountainous parts!

LemonArt Photography
This is absolutely gorgeous. The donkeys are wonderful and Iove the two white dandelions 'clocks' in the front
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, LemonArt; the donkeys seem to have a special recognition of dandelions!

Debra and Dave Vanderlaan
A terrific mood Joel! We added our Like. Celebrate life, Debra and Dave
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you for exploring the inspiring mood of the donkey's world, Debra and Dave!

Daniel Arrhakis
Oh just so beautiful ! Wonderful and lovely donkeys and great impressionist processing Joel ! Love it ! Congratulations dear friend ! Your Wonderful Art was featured in our Creative Digital Art Community Group ! : )

Diane Splinter
Joel! I feel like I can totally sense the communication exchange here. Love this one.
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Diane; donkeys are modest about their mystical powers, but I have no doubt about their capacities!

Lisa Kaiser
This sweet happy painting is so adorable. I love this work.
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Many thanks, Lisa; the donkeys seem to transmit a happiness-inducing energy!

The most intlectul moment. Thinking . Beautiful. Love it.
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Many thanks, S S-Ray; all too few recognize the high intellectual capacity of donkeys!

Debra Lynch
Hi Joel, this is adorable, I love the way you did this work. And I am so happy you used dandelions, they get a raw deal quiet often when in reality they are quiet beautiful as you have shown here!!! L/F
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Many thanks, Debra; dandelions are wonderful plants, and it is unfortunate that they are judged as common weeds!