Winter River Breeze

by Joel Bruce Wallach
Winter River Breeze
Joel Bruce Wallach
Digital Art - Mixed Media
In Boulder County, we follow the St. Vrain River to discover the blue winter sky's light sparkling through a clearing in Longmont, Colorado. A gently brisk breeze makes the trees sway in rhythm to nature's timeless dance of cycles and seasons.
Joel created this beautifully radiant vision in his signature neo-impressionist style, to express the vibrant earthly presence that is the natural world's gift to us.
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March 28th, 2017
Comments (25)

Joyce Dickens
Such a wonderful composition Joel; the warm earthy tones of the grasses and trees in contrast to the blues of the river and sky are just perfect...created in your own magnificent style with Finesse my friend!!!

Genevieve Esson
Congratulations!!! Your beautiful artwork has been featured in the group: Lyrical Trees - Vibrant Wavelength Of Color!

Bunny Clarke
Stunning and gorgeous work. I like the way this one draws you in to the tranquil scene.

Rachel Wollach Asherovitz
Very well depiction, nice mysterious environment .. Very nice colours......:-).

Catalina Walker
A masterful beauty! An amazing artisan collectable, so detailed out to perfection, Joel! l/fv

Sandra Church
Love the amazing colors Joel, so refreshing to look at! l.f.p. :-)
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you for tuning in to the refreshing energies of the natural world, Sandra.

Beverly Elliott
It draws me to roll up my pants and go wadding....gotta see what is around the bend...beautiful job Joel.
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Beverly; these winding rivers do activate a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Jilian Cramb - AMothersFineArt
Congratulations your work is featured on the homepage of the Pixels/FAA Group Beauty in Art! 3/29/17 - Please share your Feature in our Feature's Discussion thread! Tweeting! #BIA!

Deepa Sahoo
Joel,Your work and description literally takes me to that particular place,Outstanding work.L/F
Joel Bruce Wallach replied:
Thank you, Deepa; the natural world is the inspiration for so many creative works.